2.3 Million People Tune into Trendwise CEO in China

Company Name: Trendwise

Announcement Date: 07/04/2017
Announcement Category: Team Update
Announcement Content:

Smarter Cities and Retail analytics leader, Clinton House, presented the company’s real-world behavioural data platform to a capacity audience at the opening ceremony of the 2017 ‘Startup in Shanghai’ International Innovation Startup Competition this week.

The event was held at Shanghai Science & Technology Museum with distinguished Government officials in attendance, including Municipal Science and Technology Commission Director Shou Ziqi.

The Trendwise CEO was invited to present in front of a panel of expert judges including China’s leading venture capital firms and gained wide scale media exposure including being featured on the evening television news.

“It is an extraordinary honour for Trendwise to be selected to help launch this important event, given that almost 9000 companies across 16 districts of Shanghai have so far enrolled in the competition” said Mr House.

Mr House’s post-presentation interview was viewed by a live online audience of over 2.3 million people across mainland China. The competition is organised by the Shanghai Commission of Science & Technology and supported by Shanghai Municipal Government.

‘Trendwise’ is the visitor behaviour analytics platform utilising existing wireless infrastructure and low-cost smart sensors to translate real-world data into readable optimisation insights for business and smarter cities.


Announcement URL: http://trendwise.co/2-3-million-people-tune-trendwise-ceo-china/
About Trendwise:

Trendwise brings internet-style visitor analytics to the physical world.
Trendwise allows business owners to optimise customer engagement, conversion and loyalty by understanding exactly when, where and how visitors interact with their physical locations.

Go to Company Profile for: Trendwise

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